Friday, May 13, 2005

Thursday 12th May (ick) - Travelling Day

Taxi was a bit late, but that's no problem, I'd left plenty of time for it to be so. Pleasant enough trip to BHX. No near chunders and no long stories of speeding fines from the taxi driver.

He did feel the need to try to engage me in conversation. The highlight of which was his joke. I repeat it here solely for historical record:

2 dyslexics having a conversation:
1st dyslexic: "Can you smell gas?"
2nd dyslexic: "I can't even smell my own name"

Oh, how I chortled.

Birmingham to Newark was uneventful, if a bit bumpy towards the end. It's always nice to have three seats on a long trip.

In Newark Airport I was chatting to a chap from Hasbro who had something to do with Magic: The Gathering. No freebies though - sorry Gary.

The flight from Newark to Seattle was rammed full. Not the most comfortable place in the world - never mind. Taxi to Seattle centre and straight to bed at the hotel


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