Little Reward

Monday, January 22, 2007

Short lived

So, Little Reward has been vetoed. What you need to do is go to Latin Reward

For the technical, the RSS feed is at

Tara a bit

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bloggin' Virgin

Ohhh I say I've been dragged into this technology thing by the scruff of my neck but at least it's a good way of keeping my fancy London and Brighton friends updated with what's going on.

The count down has started 5 days to go !!

That fancy London

After a tearful farewell to Warwick, Leamington and the Smart car. I took a train to that fancy London to meet Trudi and her fancy London friends.

A lovely meal at a tapas bar (with a jar or three of Sangria) and back to Chez Emma (sans Emma) for a little R&R.

So far Sunday has been IT support day. Hopefully the computer will carry on working until after I leave the country :-)

Trudi is "helping" - bless.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


So, I'm off on another trip and so
Little Reward
needs to be re-started.

This is my last morning in my old house - this time next week I will be in Belize. At the start of a six month Latin American odyssey (at least, that's the plan).

Busy, busy, busy